These are some samples of photos taken with my Casio QVR-61 (6 ML pixels).

FileName: Daylight

File dimension :
2,816 X 2,112
Dimension: 2.8 MB

I made this picture just by pointing and shooting!

FileName: Nigthlight

File dimension :
2,816 X 2,112
Dimension: 2.8 MB

It was raining and like you can see it was dark!! I made this picture without any tripod, just pointed and shot! I let the camera do everything. Actually, I took the same picture with the option of best shot (in this case the flash was off) but it did not come very well. I did not have a tripod and the exposition time was too long for keeping the camera in my hands without shaking it, and consequently degrading the overall quality of the picture.

FileName: Semimacro

File dimension :
2,816 X 2,112
Dimension: 2.8 MB

I did it in my living room (in the evening). The room is badly lighted and I was too hungry and too keen on try my roast-beef than to spend time to setting up the camera for a proper macro picture. Anyway, the results have been good for both photo and my dish :-)
You can even count how much salt I've poured on it!!!

Since I have bought my casio QVR 61, in a month I have done around 80 pictures and I have charged the battery if I am right just twice. The first time when I bought it, a couple of hours for full charging it and few weeks later before using it again. I am quite satified, because it is fast, small and it allows me to take quite good pictures without worirng to set it any time.. I did not have the time to take some pictures during a nice day (light and sunny). Actually I have also some family portraits and they came out well.
So far, I did not have the chance to take some pictures in a sunny day (with some vivid colurs like green, red, blue or yellow), so I will see how it will works and let you know.
See you and why not have your opinions in the dpreviev forum